Seems mostly webshots to me, so there must be a good amount which is already seen by you all, but you never know!
Code: Select all
The site is in Hungarian, so let me help you a bit. On the opening page there are the link to the categories just above the smiling girl.
a buliban = at the party
az országúton = on the highway
Történetek = stories (in Hungarian, you can skip this)
a hóban = in the snow
a sokadalomban = in the crowd
videók = videos (some youtube vids)
a kiránduláson = during hiking
humorosan = funny pics
a szabadban = in nature
Linkek, levél nekem = mail to the owner (skip)
a mosdóban = in the lavatory
az utcán = on the street
Utolsó módosítás = most recently uploaded pictures
Have fun!