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Post by Pantymad »

Kizzie wrote:"SOMEBODY picked up on that witty sense of humor there."

Ah - is that what it was?

"At least there is one person outside there with a brain."

Oh no - all other members are brainless? Ah - that'll explains the pantypiss addicts!

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Post by wogga »

Hey Pantymad,
Don't take life so serious. Loosen up...! or go back to sleep......'YAWN' :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by wogga »

By the way Pantymad......
Not much posting from you.....only complaints and comments.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by Kizzie »

Oh dear, Pantymad, is it a lack of good pantypissing fixes that is making you uptight?

Hey - I was in London last night and saw a drunken old female tramp passed out against a wall. She had pissed herself, and the smell was pretty ripe even from a distance. It was by the Slug and Lettuce between Waterloo and the London Eye.

If you really move fast she might still be there, and might allow you to take a sniff, or to bury your nostrils into that soggy stale gusset. With a bit of luck she will strain a fresh piss straight into your mouth through the cotton. Ahhhhhhh - sheer bliss!

By the debris around her I reckon heaven will be yours for a can of Carlsberg Export. But hurry - after the other panypiss fans on the board see this there is bound to be a queue...
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Post by Pantymad »

Well my *Yawn* comment was put here for one reason only Kizzie. I have read in several threads your total lack of understanding of peeps desire regarding panty wetting, your belitteling of peeps who share this fetish I felt was unfair --->
Kizzie wrote:Oh no - all other members are brainless? Ah - that'll explains the pantypiss addicts!
Hence my expression of tirdness in hearing you deride me and others who share this fetish.

I come here to this great board, not to be ridiculed, not to be personaly attacked, but to indulge in a little escapism, seeing how, as you well know the theme of this board is, shall we say not quite mainstream!
I have enjoyed sharing and communicating with peeps with a similar mindset for some time here, and felt this was a good community spirited place to be.
Lets keep it that way eh?

BTW your post regarding the bag lady is sickening! Thx :?
FYI. Myself and my partner share a healthy fascination and have had several wonderful experiances regarding panty wetting.

You need not have jumped on me in this manner! (And yes I am refering to the post you made that has now been rightly deleted!) The last communication between you and myself, was when you PM'd me your thanks for my support of you!
Thx for showing your true colours! :|

Leave your personal attacks and flames at the door, and lets enjoy ourselves here where we should be supporting eachothers quirky (On topic ie wet) likes and fascinations, rather than deriding and making peeps feel out of place!

Thx for your time in reading my boring post. :)
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Post by Kizzie »

Hey - lighten up, Pantymad!

I do not deride pantypissing fans! Pantypissing, maybe, but not its adherents. Ok - not my bag - but a little lighthearted banter never hurt anyone, did it?

You are welcome to take the piss out of my aircraft fixation (not that there is any piss involved...) and I will not turn a hair. I might even laugh. Maybe poke some fun back.

You might not think much of my solo pissing games, perhaps, or love of closeup gushers. Go on - fill yer boots - I promise I won't write to my member of parliament.

Pissing in all its rich varieties is all fair game on here, and we all love it in different ways, as we do this board. But hey - you can have a little FUN here too, you know. Go on - be a devil!
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Post by roberts »

works for me :P
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