Ever since I downloaded the latest version of FireFox, I am having a hell of
a time saving pics. It seems to take forever.
Don't have any problems using the older version and with IE.
I tried deleting and reinstalling, but keep having the same problem.
i use the same version of Firefox as you do and now and again
it does seem to take awhile to download, but it is rare.
Without knowing your operating system or set up
it is kind of hard to nail the problem down, so i thought you may like to wonder through the links below,
you may just find what you are looking for.
Sorry i could not help any further with this problem mate,
Am evaluating the sources you gave me. Will download the uograde when I get home again.
Hopefully that will fix the problem. Hate to keep using the older version but waiting 5+ minutes
to save a pic is a real pain.
would suggest installing firefox to a new folder, not the default one. this will force new registry entrys to be made. Their may be an issue in the update of the last version.