Mixed bag - Various sizes and quality and a plea (Plz read!)

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Mixed bag - Various sizes and quality and a plea (Plz read!)

Post by MrPeex »

Im so tired of seeing the same pics over and over again... Trying my best to find NEW stuff... Not very easy though... The quality of the images below is varied. Some good, some are not so good. At least most of them are new to me and hopefully to you! Have fun!

http://www.lluviadeoro.com/images/big/ (DIR - some new to me. Small sized)
http://www.verparacreer.net/imagenes/vp ... _atras.jpg
http://www.archivodefamosas.com/videos_ ... meando.jpg (small)
http://www.transexo.com/adorablelluviad ... at0101.jpg to nat0109.jpg
http://www.puritanas.com/galerias/fotos/meona/joi01.jpg to joi19.jpg (suspected RP)
http://www.strokethecarrot.com/voyeur2/1.jpg to 4.jpg (voyeur)
http://galleries.sweetmoney.com/peelove ... age001.jpg to image009.jpg (most likely a RP)
http://www.fetish-sex-zone.com/pics/pee ... _42343.jpg

SUGGESTION/PLEA: How about leaving the well knows image sources such as TGP's and stuff and try different search methods? Also using different languages could prove useful. The links above is a result of using the Spanish word "meando" in the pic search area of http://alltheweb.com . Of course these searches result in a lot of crappy results and old images seen 1000 times, but theres always something new...

Does anybody in here know about any searchable webalbums such as Webshots and Worldisround? There MUST be more sites like that out there, where party, hiking and holiday pics are posted! Futhermore, there must be more sites like Jaquie & Michel, where amateur posts are available... Lets all help each other out to satisfy our perversions!
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Post by watchr12 »

I hate to burst your bubble, but I have been able to find a fair number of (usually) not-seen-before amateur material only by going through piles of sites and galleries. Many don't have search engines, and, perhaps more important, the great majority of these type of shots are just one or two in a set, so they're often not mentioned in any description, or, if they are, are described in a way that doesn't lead you to think they're pee pics ('ooops', 'caught', 'gotcha', etc.). Anyway, it seems to me that time and effort are the only way you're going to find the truly interesting ones.
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Post by Mr. Anderson »

Use The link


and change the number by 5 up and down an you will have a nice preview too

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Post by MrPeex »

watchr12 wrote:I hate to burst your bubble, but I have been able to find a fair number of (usually) not-seen-before amateur material only by going through piles of sites and galleries. Many don't have search engines, and, perhaps more important, the great majority of these type of shots are just one or two in a set, so they're often not mentioned in any description, or, if they are, are described in a way that doesn't lead you to think they're pee pics ('ooops', 'caught', 'gotcha', etc.). Anyway, it seems to me that time and effort are the only way you're going to find the truly interesting ones.
True, except for the fact that everyone using this forum has access to search engines, such as Altavista, Google, Alltheweb, Webcrawler, Lycos, Askjolene etc etc etc... Sure, u gonna find a lot of crap if u use the conventional search criteria such as "pee", "urine" and so on, but try think a step further and use criteria such as "hiking", "roadside" etc... Also turn Family Filters ON on occasion... Private images are often not classified as adult content...
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Post by wogga »

95% of the people here are just lurkers. You can see that from the number of hits on the postings. The same people are posting day after day and day.
I have said it before and I'll say it again. 95% of the people who visit this board are takers, not givers! I believe most of the lurkers are ashamed to admit their fetish.....don't know why....but there you are.. :wink:
Peeing is still a taboo subject for most people.
My Grandmother, bless her soul, was convinced that the Queen of England didn't go to the toilet.....she was utterly convinced that the Queen was solid from the waist down.....though how she managed to have four "Banned Word" escapes me...maybe by proxy.... :lol:
and Kizzie, I didn't mean it when I said, "Kiss my arse." I still love you my little soggy gusseted lover...... :oops: When I pee, I can now hold my dick with four fingers but I'm still pissing on three of them. :wink:
"Sit on my face and tell me that you love me."
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I've recently started going to the well known voyeur sites such as Bob voyeur and webvoyeur, etc. I started klicking on their "friends" list.

That's where I found Privatexxx, a site I hadn't heard of. Then it is nothing but hard work, gleaning through their galleries to find a few juicy morsels.

Forums like this have quite a number of adept and experienced searchers, so most of the regular sites are watched very closely for new material. When somehting new does pop-up on them, it is a race for time, trying to be the first and you usually find multiple entries of the same series. Sometimes that is caused by the simple fact of not checking what has been posted that day, sometimes it is because other host sites are looking for the same thing and are quick to republish a series under a new title or name.

Overall, I am surprised that so much new stuff is hitting this forum. This can be attributed to the worldwide memebership of this forum, the other through the dedication (read desperation) of the memebers to find unique ways of finding our subject matter.

Kudos to all, and do follow through on suggestions, such as of MrPeex and others. :)
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Post by roberts »

Yes, yes, it is certainly getting harder to find new stuff. I speak on behalf of all the board users when I say, "THANK YOU!!!!" for all of your efforts in searching and scouring the internet. Kudos to you multilingual searchers, as well, for most of us are limited mostly to english, although we try to do what I can with that.

Although I have been slacking with my posts lately, when I do post, I always try to post stuff that is new to ME. If it's new to ME, than it must be new to somebody else out there. If I ever do post something thats not new to me, it's always something I like an awful lot, and I just want to make sure everybody else out there gets to see it to.

In my book, new is good, but quality is the overall goal!

Regardless of what we're posting, keep it up! This forum is awesome, and the most important ingredient to a web forum is its members. Keep the warm streams flowing!! :) :)
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Post by Kizzie »

I'm with all the previous posters - many of you do a bloody great job, which takes more knowhow than dumb broad technophobes like me will ever acquire. You guys are the spirit of great boards like this, and I for one am eternally grateful.

And Wogga - the Queen does piss - but she doesn't wipe. Afterwards Prince Phil has to get down there and lick her slack old puss clean. That includes everything he finds in there - the baked beans, egg, sausage, bacon, and all. That Prince Charles just can't keep his breakfast down these days...
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